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Show Phone Number

Michael Ben Hanan 4, Jerusalem, JerusalemIsrael

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 22:30
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 22:30
Friday08:30 - 13:00
Sunday09:00 - 18:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Osteopathic Clinic - Michael Ben Hanan 4, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Hello Friends, I understand how you are feeling...  Os...

Popular Treatments

Osteopath Consultation
Cranial Osteopathy
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About WrightOsteopath

Hello Friends,

I understand how you are feeling... 

Osteopathy gave me back my life , and I'm dedicated to help you recover and get back to doing all the things you love to do, without pain and restrictions.

It's 1989, I'm in Australia, playing beach volleyball...

the ball comes over the net and nobody moves, so i run and take off, flying horizontally like superman to hit the ball, and i land hard in the sand like a javelin, shoulder first, which sinks deep into the soft sand, then the side of my head hits, twisting it completely round the other way... 

Neck broken...


It was match point and we won, so people are running to me and pouring cold drinks onto my bare chest, as i lie motionless on my back...

Luckily for me, there's an ambulance driver, paramedic, in the other team, and he sees how i landed and how i didn't flinch when the ice-cold drinks hit my chest,

and he's running to me, to stop people grabbing my arm and pulling me up. 

He checks my neck, gets newspapers, rolled up to make a brace, and holds my head still, all the way to the carpark on the trailer of the quad-bike, 

that takes food and drinks along the beach...

He saved my life...

After hospital Professors told me i'd never walk again, or have children, and i should "learn to paint with your mouth", 

he took me to the solution...A lady Osteopath...

After a long, painful recovery, i saw that this profession, Osteopathy, REALLY helps people, and I became an Osteopath for the last 26 years,

with a mission and passion to help people get their lives back, and return to doing things they love to do. 

I have a mostly functioning body, 3 miracle children, but i cannot "paint with my mouth" ...😂

If YOU are suffering aches and pains, restricting your daily life, and you are fed up with treatments that only address symptoms or give temporary relief, 

then feel free to call now for real solutions that treat the CAUSE of the problem, for long term benefits.... 

At your Service....

Ian Wright,

Cranial Osteopath (26 Years Experience)

BSc.OST., D.O., M.I.R.O. (British Trained)

Member of Israeli Register of Osteopaths.

“ Your Family in Safe Hands ”

Osteopathy Prevents Spinal Disc Surgery
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Parking - Free parkingAccessible to disabled peoplePublic transport accessWheelchair accessible toiletAccess without steps - Lift availablePatient bathroom

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Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is a refined, subtle speciality of Osteopathy.

By encouraging the release of stresses and tensions throughout the head and body, it is an extremely safe, gentle, and painless, yet especially effective treatment for all age groups from babies and children to pregnant/nursing mothers, adults, as well as the elderly.

It is highly-effective in a wide range of health, mobility and stress-related issues and can be used, as well, to treat a variety of special needs.


Osteopath Consultation

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Mr Ian Wright - Practice Director at WrightOsteopath

Mr Ian Wright

Job Title:
  Practice Director
Graduated from Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Osteopathic Medicine. Twenty-six years experience treating a wide range of individuals, from premature babies to age 97.5.

Before making aliyah in November of 2000, Ian was involved in the operation of three private clinics in U.K.

In 2001 he established the first-ever private Osteopathic clinic in Eilat. Ian worked for 1 ½ years in Clalit HMO, followed by two years with Maccabi HMO.

 He has been in private practice in Jerusalem since the end of 2007​, and has a clinic every Friday in Tel Aviv.

Show Phone Number

Michael Ben Hanan 4, Jerusalem, JerusalemIsrael

  1. Middle East
  2. Israel
  3. Osteopaths Jerusalem